

Jonathan Foster

====================== ten.nozirev|ybrikymrots#ten.nozirev|ybrikymrots === 972-436-6887 === Lewisville, TX =======================


Currently Attending: iSchool High
Location: 1800 Lakeway Drive, Lewisville, TX
Grade level: 9th

iSchool is a STEM related school that focuses on Math, Engineering, and Science. It offers a small school size with a flexible schedule. A technology credit is integrated into the classes.

Courses taken by Jonathan Foster include Pre-AP Algebra II, Pre-AP English I, AP Biology, AP Human Geography, Latin I, and Applied Music. Grades for these courses are above 95%.

Work Experience

Professional work is a new experience. However, as an amateur, much has been done, as seen with the handout.

- Managing 4+ websites
- Designing themes for two (

Activities and Awards

- National Recognition in Duke TIP Program
- Silver Medal of Achievement
- Highest GPA in 8th grade (Middle School Valedictorian)
- National Junior Honor Society

Special Talents and Skills

I have many skills and talents that distinguish me from others. The following are a few of these skills:
- Programming in TI Basic, CSS, HTML, ActionScript 2.0, Javascript
- Musically inclined (composed music)
- Play the cello

References and Contacts

- James Troy Foster (father)
- Gemma Foster (mother)
- Timothy Foster (brother)
- Glenda Foster (grandmother)
- Mrs. Marchant (high school principal)
- Dr. Richard Plunk (pastor)

An example of the raw code behind the theme is seen here.

This is my Action Plan to become a Web Designer.